My husband and I are part owners of a company. The company Christmas party is this weekend. We DO NOT call it a Christmas party, we call it the "Holiday Gathering". We have employees of several religions and we try to make it comfortable for everyone. There won't be a christmas tree at the location we use. We may ask each other how the holidays went, but we don't decorate or make it seem Christmasy. Snowflake /blue and silver decorating theme. It is more of a employee recognition time, and a nice get together. It is pleasant and fun, but certainly not a wild and crazy, hard drinking type party.
This year, for the first time a 20 years, we have a JW employee. A good worker, and someone we are pleased to have working for us. At this time, she has indicated that she won't be coming to the party. Which is fine, and up to her. One of the other partners feels that we should make her a special invitation calling it a "Winter Gathering". but I think that it is too late for that this year. In any case, she may not want to associate with us worldly people anyway.
There are also little doorprizes and gift certificates (no Christmas wrap) that normally ONLY go to emplyees that attend the party. Is she entitled to anything like that if she misses the party for a religious reason?
Opinions, please???????